*上完Baisa Going老師的研習會誏你更了解瑜珈不是只有體位法,她的瑜珈知識豐富,就像一本瑜珈百科全書,這絕對是你不能錯過的瑜珈研習。 ---Mimi(Basia Going 2013師資班學生)
*不只是身體的鍛鍊,更是心靈的感動。身心靈平衡,認識自己,了解自己,自我成長。物超所值,大開眼界,人外有人,天外有天,外來的和尚很會念經。 ---阿凱(Basia Going 2013師資班學生)
*當頭腦扭曲,身體某個部位也會跟著扭曲! 藉由瑜珈的練習,扭轉身體也扭轉我們的頭腦。 " 在追求身心靈整合,我們往往最先丟掉身體的欲望與感受,但是沒有了身體,心與靈如何體驗學習! 深刻的用身體,以不同的方式,回歸中心!!! ---Iris(Basia Going 2013師資班學生)
*Basia is the kind of teacher that can help a student open their eyes wide to both look inward and outward. Wise, compassionate, knowledgeable and just fun!!! ---Lars(Basia Going 2013師資班學生)
來自加拿大 Basia 還小時,經由父親Stanislaw Peszko 的書籍及與父親無數的對話,首次認識瑜珈。但直到 1992 年,Basia 因為脊椎側彎派必須配戴支架,深受其苦的她有了強烈的動機去了解身體的運作和反饋,才第一次真正投入瑜珈的懷抱。希瓦難陀瑜珈的訓練為她帶來令人驚艷的啟蒙,開啟了她的心,並踏上瑜珈的追尋之路。1997 年完成師資培訓後,她開始跟隨 Richard Freeman 學習八肢瑜珈,並在之後的數年裡,參加了 David Swenson、Ana Forrest、Hart Lazer、Sianna Sherman、Beryl Bender Birch 及 Shiva Rea等大師們的培訓課程,及各式各樣的瑜珈研習營。其中一位影響 Basia 最深的老師是梵文學者 Vyaas Houston,他帶給 Basia 革命性的觀念與視野,也在中醫針灸等療癒領域中,豐富了 Basia 的練習與教學。
It was her father, Stanislaw Peszko, who inspired Basia to play with concepts that stretched her mind. Stemming from their endless talks and debates, Basia’s interest in philosophy and psychology expanded. During her University years, she chose to study psychology, philosophy and education.
Since discovering that what happens in the mind and the body cannot be severed, she embraced the study of how the body works and how it sometimes does not. She became obsessed with the relationship between the mind, perception, and how the body responds to what happens in the mind (and vice versa). This obsession resulted in the study of healing arts, primarily Chinese medicine and Acupuncture.
The asana practice came in 1992 , where Basia, suffering from severe scoliosis, wore a corset with metal bars to support her spine. There was a strong incentive to figure out how to work the body to relieve the struggle and how to use the mind to give the whole being space to breathe.
She explored different paths and with variety worked teachers completing numerous trainings ranging from strong physical work to more subtle exploration of the body and mind. For many years, her main practice was Ashtanga.
At this point, after over 20 years of experimentation, she uses in her practice and teaching what she believes, works. At times it is physically demanding - lots of stabilizing and conditioning. Other times it is soft and subtle. Pushing and letting go of pushing,...then watching. She uses lots of therapeutic work focussing on common problems, perhaps in an “uncommon” way in the yoga practice.
Through it all, she remembers that all is temporary (or perhaps almost all). This view allows her to put things into perspective and enjoy the process of learning as well as holding space for others to do the same.